I can hardly believe that it is already November, and that Christmas will be here before we know it. I have to admit that I have briefly started listening to Christmas music while I am driving home from school. There is just something about it that makes traffic a little more tolerable. I was thinking about something today driving home. Every year about this time, I start making a list for my mom and dad for what I want for Christmas. It is usually front and back; packed with items that I just HAVE to have. As much as my passion for opening up gifts burns inside, something seems different this year. I started riding the bus to school in September and I have had the opportunity to see a couple things that you don't see on an everyday basis in the beautiful city of Woodbury.
One particular thing stands out. There is this older man that rides my bus who is obviously homeless. He carries around a tarp wrapped around all his belongings tied with an electrical cord. He wears the same jeans everyday and has a couple shirts that he rotates periodically. Now I don't know what this man did or did not do to become this way, but regardless his presence on the bus challenges me to take a look at my life a little bit closer. I honestly can't say that I NEED anything right now. I have over 20 pairs of jeans, over 30 pairs of shoes, and over 15 purses. Something just doesn't seem right of me to start preparing my list of things that I want when people around me don't have more than one pair of pants. I want this year to be different than the rest. I want to find a way to make a difference in someone's life. To take a step away from my list of pointless demands and focus on others.
Where can I meet the needs of others? How can I bless someone else this month? These are the questions I ask myself when Considering December.