I usually get scared that I am going to grow up, get married, and become one of those moms who are always comparing with the other moms... and their daughters...and their sons...and always looking around to see who knows the latest gossip about their "friends" next door. You know, the moms who talk crap about one family and then go out to dinner with them the following Friday night? The ones whose diamonds are never big enough or their house is never new enough or their children ar.... I think you get the picture. I look ahead to when that time comes, and I truly hope that I will not become one of those people. I am starting, just now.. to realize what I don't want for my life. I want to find true friends that I know are loyal to me no matter what. I want to LOVE the life that I live and find out how to be content in any and everything. I don't care if I have the biggest diamond on my hand, or the newest SUV, or the biggest cabin. I care about whether or not my heart can be content with all struggles in life. I know a mom with four kids and a loving husband who doesn't even own a wedding ring. That doesn't even matter to her if she has something on her left hand to flag off to the other moms. She lives her life for her family. Not for drama, not for status, and not for some fake idea of happiness.
What does it take?
Very wise words...
Love this, Johnna :) I agree...
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